Welcome to Bridge Stream DEX

Bridge Stream DEX will be a leading cryptocurrency exchange and mint. Our mission is to provide secure and efficient services for trading and minting crypto tokens.

Bridge Stream Token (BRISM)

Bridge Stream's Token BRISM is the currency for Bridge Stream Meme Mint and Bridge Stream Tokens. BRISM is a ERC-20 Utility Token on the Ethereum Blockchain.

Bridge Stream DEX goes live on June 15th 2025

Exchange listings to be announced


Bridge Stream Token Presale

Participate in our token presale for early access.

Invest early, reap the benefits.

Bridge Stream Token (BRISM)

Presale price: 0.0000462 USDC 

1,000,000,000 tokens available in presale

Total supply: 50,000,000,000,000

Token sale end time

2025-05-19 18:00:00


Bridge Stream DEX

Easily buy, sell and swap crypto.

Our DEX is built upon three platforms. 

1. Mainstream Crypto

2. Bridge Stream Meme Mint

3. Bridge Stream Tokens

Secure, reliable, and efficient trading and minting.

Bridge Stream Meme Mint

Bridge Stream Meme Mint allows users to mint new meme tokens. New meme tokens are locked in for 10 days, which means for the first 10 days of the life of the new token, you can buy but not sell. After 10 days the token is released to our DEX for trading. There is no bonding curve. 

Bridge Stream Tokens

Bridge Stream Tokens are under the Bridge Stream DAO. Bridge Stream Tokens, are tokens that are approved and supported by the Bridge Stream DAO. Bridge Stream Tokens are automatically locked in for 30 days, which means for the first 30 days of the life of the new token, you can buy but not sell. Bridge Stream DAO approved tokens are also purchased by the DAO. It is upon the DAO to approve the investment amount into the new token. Holders of new Bridge Stream Tokens will receive holders rewards in BRISM Tokens. The Bridge Stream DAO will also promote new approved tokens. The Bridge Stream Token BRISM, is not under the Bridge Stream DAO. Governance is only over Tokens created by the DAO

Bridge Stream DAO

Holders of the Bridge Stream Token BRISM, have the option to stake BRISM and join the Bridge Stream Token DAO. Members of the DAO are the think tank of creating hot new tokens with backing and support. DAO staked BRISM will also earn staking rewards. The number of votes in the DAO that an individual has, is determined by the amount of BRISM staked. Members of the Bridge Stream DAO also have early access to new Bridge Stream Tokens before public release. There are many incentives to hold and stake BRISM Token. The Bridge Stream DAO is giving the power to the people. A crypto community collaboration.

Contact us: bridgestreamdex@gmail.com

About us

Bridge Stream DEX is a trusted cryptocurrency exchange and mint. With a focus on innovation and security, we strive to provide our users with the best possible trading and minting experience. Join us on this exciting journey into the world of digital tokens.